Centre for Media & Communication Studies
To provide the conducive environment of learning through modern techniques of teaching, practical work and applied knowledge of media production, to help individuals become change agents on the canvas of both national and Global communication advancements and innovations in Mass Communication.
We are living in global age and this globalization is the strength of Mass Communication and Media around us, which integers the need of higher studies and strategic research to look into issues to benefit the society. In this era, we need to be concerned about the affects of globalization, revolution in the media technology and socio- cultural impact on people’s minds regardless of age, race and gender.
The University of Gujrat is privileged to introduce the Centre for Media and Communication Studies, in a less privileged district of Gujrat can compete to any world class Centre for mass communication studies CMCS. The Centre for Media and Communication Studies feels proud to be linked with University of Oklahoma under the public affairs section of the US State Department. This linkage will benefit and strengthen the UOG’s capacity to produce research based investigative and analytical journalism, to help UOG develop programming for its FM radio station and TV studio to develop UOG capacity to do qualitative and quantitative marketing research and advise on curricular and co- curricular matters from bachelor’s to PhD degrees.
The Centre for Media and Communication Studies at UOG is distinctively interdisciplinary and international in its outlook,
providing an innovative and learning environment to ambitious students. The Centre has FM radio 106.6 and a computer lab with internet facility. A TV studio is also in the planning. The course inculcates democratic values and professionalism among the students through expertise in journalism and mass media. So, this is the place where you can enhance your capabilities.
Chairperson’s Message
The obvious strength and growing importance of Mass Communication and Mass Media need higher studies and scientific research to look into the issues with depth and draw some solid conclusions for the benefit of society. In this era of rapid developments in Information Technology, every one is concerned with the negative/positive effects of the information revolution and changing horizons of Mass Media. Convergence of Television, Telecommunication and Computer Technologies has brought so much at the door step of every one of us. New Media and Modern Technology has changed the face of the world. People living in the third world often feel being victimized of one sided communication from the American, Indian & Western developed world. They feel that their younger generations have been influenced by the Western Values, Traditions and Culture. Traditional governments are feeling threatened by this information boom. Individuals are getting multiple identities; political borders are losing their importance in so many ways. At the same time, these openings are brining great advantages for us at the grass root level. In this flood of information, in many cases, we find ourselves in the state of bewilderness. Communicationalogist needs the authentic knowledge and necessary skills to understand the effects of these changes in the field of mass communication. Not only the governments but the organisations and individuals also need to understand the negative and positive effects and uses of the new technologies and opportunities in the field of information and mass communication.