Vision, Mission & Objective


Vision To provide a platform for the researchers, teachers, educational managers and social scientists to contribute their ideas, information and experiences relevant to the field of education in the form of research reports for futuristic developments and informed decision making.


To facilitate and promote research culture in the field of education focusing on application of new theories, use of modern communication technologies, discovering new teaching-learning techniques in varying social trends and impacts of changing thoughts and political scenario on education.


The aim of the Journal of Educational Perspectives (JEP) is to disseminate high quality research studies that are of immense importance around the globe in general and around the country in particular in terms of research designs and findings by assuring collaboration with international teams of researchers to publish special issues on different topics of education.


The journal endeavors to strengthen connections between research and practice consequently raising the standard of professional development and improving practices within the field of education. Research articles accepted for publication are double-blind refereed to ensure the academic quality.
