Faculty Profiles

Dr. Khalid Hussain

Designation : Assistant Professor
Specialization : Crop Biotechnology

Email : [email protected]

I have completed my PhD in 2013, specialization in Crop Biotechnology from Shenyang Agricultural University, China. My PhD program was funded by the Govt. Liaoning Provincial Scholarship, China. I have received MPhil degree in 2004 in Botany from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad specialization in Medicinal Plants and its improvement using PGRs. I have earned MSc degree in 2002 in Botany from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad specialization in Stress Physiology.

  • My research interest is in Crop Biotechnology for the identification of gene of interests related to biotic and abiotic stresses and strategies for crop improvements using various chemicals as well as plant growth regulators (PGRs). I have also interest in Plant Tissue culturing, Plant Taxonomy, Ethnobotany, Plant Physiology and Bioinformatics. I have a vast experience in cultivation of medicinal plants, its identification and nomenclature. I worked at Qarshi Heb Center (QEC) for the cultivation of Medicinal and Fruit plants, Taxonomic description and established herbarium, seed bank, tissue culture labs and botanic garden. I am also working in digital morphometric and machine learning applications used in the field of Botany as in Taxonomy, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathological aspects.